Your Spiritual Transformation Journey Starts Here

A Divine Connection: My Near-Death Experience

Through my profound Near-Death Experience (NDE), I've developed a deep and unshakeable connection to Spirit/God/Universe. This extraordinary event has gifted me with unique insights and abilities that I'm passionate about sharing with you. Whether you call it Spirit, God, or the Universe, I'm here to help you tap into that infinite source of wisdom and love.

No question is too big or small, no issue too daunting or trivial. Everything in your life is a reflection of your energy and frequency. As we work together, you'll experience shifts in your energy that will naturally lead to transformative changes in your life. Remember, you are the creator of your reality, and I'm here to guide you in harnessing that incredible power.

Ready to transform your life? Contact me today to start your journey!

Please note: All services require a 30-minute consultation to ensure we're a good fit for working together. ($125 credit will go towards any package)

Quick fix (1hr session)

Got a burning question or a mini-meltdown? Hop on for a 60-minute power session! We'll tackle one simple question and send you off with a pocketful of "aha!" moments.

In this focused hour, we'll:

  • Dive deep into your pressing issue, using insights from my near-death experience to provide a unique perspective

  • Apply targeted energy healing techniques to shift stuck emotions or blocks

  • Equip you with practical tools to navigate your challenge, inspired by otherworldly wisdom

  • Leave you feeling refreshed, realigned, and ready to face your world with newfound clarity

Perfect for: Those sudden "I need guidance NOW" moments, quick channeled guidance or when you're curious about how NDE wisdom can illuminate a specific area of your life.

$250/hr (please schedule a consultation first)

Soul ReFresh (5 weeks)

Ready for a spiritual spa day? My 5-week Soul Refresh is like a deep tissue massage for your psyche. One session per week to smooth out those emotional knots and polish your inner shine.

Over these five transformative weeks, we'll:

  • Conduct an energy audit to identify areas ripe for healing and growth

  • Utilize powerful energy shifting techniques to clear old patterns and invite in fresh vitality

  • Explore profound insights from my near-death experience, applying them to your unique life situations

  • Develop a personalized toolkit of practices to maintain your spiritual glow long after our sessions end

  • Guide you in reconnecting with your inner wisdom and intuitive abilities

  • Teach you techniques to access your higher self, tapping into your own source of inner guidance and answers

  • Practice receiving messages and insights from your higher self, enhancing your decision-making and life navigation skills

Perfect for: Those feeling a bit spiritually sluggish, anyone craving a concentrated dose of otherworldly wisdom and energy realignment, or those eager to establish a stronger connection with their higher self.

$1,125/ 5 weeks (please schedule a consultation first)

Soul ReForm (6 months)

Calling all spiritual renovation enthusiasts! This 26-week journey is the whole enchilada of personal transformation. We'll bulldoze those outdated belief structures and build a swanky new you from the ground up.

During this profound six-month journey, we'll:

  • Embark on a comprehensive life review, using the lens of near-death experience wisdom to gain new perspectives on your path

  • Implement advanced energy healing protocols to facilitate deep, lasting changes in your energetic and emotional landscape

  • Explore the concept of "no death" and how it can revolutionize your approach to living

  • Master the art of energy shifting, empowering you to consciously create your reality

  • Dive deep into the "What Ifs" mentioned on the website, turning them into your lived reality

  • Cultivate a direct, unshakeable connection to your higher self and spiritual guides

  • Develop advanced techniques for regularly accessing your higher self for guidance, insight, and answers

  • Learn to distinguish between the voice of your higher self and other mental chatter

  • Create a personalized practice for daily communion with your higher self, integrating this connection into all aspects of your life

  • Explore how to use your connection to your higher self for healing, problem-solving, and consciously shaping your reality

  • Understand and harness the power of your constant creation process, recognizing how you're always manifesting your experiences

  • Develop your own unique spiritual practices, blending ancient wisdom with cutting-edge energy work

Perfect for: Soul seekers ready for a total life overhaul, those navigating major life transitions, or anyone feeling the call to step fully into their spiritual power and purpose. Ideal for those who want to establish a profound, life-changing connection with their higher self and learn to live from this enlightened perspective.

$5,125/ 6 months (please schedule a consultation first)